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AdvanThink (ISoft) is a French publisher of innovative Data Science solutions for business projects.
The interpretability of AI is at the heart of debates about the mass implementation of applications and
tools based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. However, the concept
interpretability is often used to refer to a wide range of issues, sometimes even
The interpretability of AI is at the heart of the debate surrounding the massive implementation of
and tools based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. However, the concept
concept of interpretability is often used to refer to very diverse, sometimes even
even contradictory.
"Combating money laundering means putting an end to the damage caused by serious crime. Combating
money laundering is not about ticking boxes". This statement in December 2019 by David Lewis
Lewis, President of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Secretariat, illustrates the new expectations
financial institutions in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
financing of terrorism.
The benefits of Machine Learning in the fight against financial crime are well established.
the fight against financial crime. Thanks to its ability to explore very large volumes of data and to finely model
suspicious behavior, Machine Learning can detect highly sophisticated fraud attempts and
and money-laundering networks.
In recent years, new 100% digital banking offers have met with great success among
recent years. One of the main reasons for this success is the flexibility and
simplicity of these online services. There's no need to visit a physical branch to create and manage an account.
and manage their account: customers can now carry out all their banking transactions from home.
AdvanThink (ISoft) is a French publisher of innovative Data Science solutions for business projects.
The interpretability of AI is at the heart of debates about the mass implementation of applications and
tools based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. However, the concept
interpretability is often used to refer to a wide range of issues, sometimes even
The interpretability of AI is at the heart of the debate surrounding the massive implementation of
and tools based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. However, the concept
concept of interpretability is often used to refer to very diverse, sometimes even
even contradictory.
"Combating money laundering means putting an end to the damage caused by serious crime. Combating
money laundering is not about ticking boxes". This statement in December 2019 by David Lewis
Lewis, President of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Secretariat, illustrates the new expectations
financial institutions in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
financing of terrorism.
The benefits of Machine Learning in the fight against financial crime are well established.
the fight against financial crime. Thanks to its ability to explore very large volumes of data and to finely model
suspicious behavior, Machine Learning can detect highly sophisticated fraud attempts and
and money-laundering networks.
In recent years, new 100% digital banking offers have met with great success among
recent years. One of the main reasons for this success is the flexibility and
simplicity of these online services. There's no need to visit a physical branch to create and manage an account.
and manage their account: customers can now carry out all their banking transactions from home.