Terms of use
Innovating and reinventing tomorrow!
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Terms of use
Data protection
The content of this website has been written to present the company company AdvanThink, its activities and solutions.
In order to improve our services, this website uses "cookies". Cookies enable us to record your usage preferences and the pages of the website that most interest you, so that we can provide you with a better service on future visits. Consultation of the information on the site implies acceptance of our conditions of use. Consent is valid for a maximum of 13 months.
The information you provide via the forms on this site is intended solely for use by AdvanThink. You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete this information, in accordance with the French Data Protection Act. You can exercise this right by writing to us using the form on the "Contact" page of the site.
ISoft is the company name, AdvanThink is a trade name.
Legal form: Société par actions simplifiée
Head office: Parc Des Algorithmes Bat Euclide, rte de l'Orme, 91190 Saint-Aubin
Share capital: €1,000,000
RCS: 381 305 614
Intracommunity VAT no.: FR25381305614
Email: info@advanthink.com
Chairman and CEO: Brice PERDRIX
Publication manager: Brice PERDRIX
This site is hosted by :
2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix
Tel: 1007
Website designed by Smotly, Bigcommerce web agency.
Graphics/design: in collaboration with Cynthia Mergel.
Videographer/photographer: Candice Bonnard (Sight Films), Shutterstock.
All photos on this site, except "use cases", are the full property of AdvanThink, and may not be reused without our agreement.